Heartbreak Recovery
Healing From a Break-up, Separation, or Divorce
The chemistry was intense, something you’ve never experienced before, and now you are no longer together?
You know you should have ended things long ago, but you just couldn’t?
You can accept the breakup, but not the way they left?
You’ve been on and off for years and part of you expects you’ll get back together, again?
You were blindsided by the breakup, didn’t see it coming, you thought you were both as committed as ever?
You know it’s over, but you don’t know what to do with all the love you feel?
Break-ups (separations and divorces too) are heartwrenching, it can feel like your world has been turned upside down. Life as you know it has totally changed, your routines, future plans, and identity. You are likely feeling a mixture of grief, depression, hopelessness, anxiety, and anger. It’s a total emotional rollercoaster that often interferes with your functioning, it’s common for people to experience crying spells and panic attacks while enduring heartbreak.
You might be struggling with whether you should reach out or not. You might be trying to convince yourself that if you are just able to speak one more time face to face, you’ll be able to get through to them.
You are likely replaying fights and arguments over and over in your head trying to figure out where you went wrong and how can you fix it.
Maybe you are struggling with knowing how to move forward:
Do you text them on their birthday?
Do you unfollow them on social media?
How and when do you begin to tell people about the breakup?
Is it too soon to start dating again?
No one prepares us for breakups and most people become uncomfortable by our distress and suffering. We live in a culture that has little empathy for those experiencing heartbreak, it instead encourages us to immediately move on. I’m sure you’ve heard these well-intentioned but unhelpful statement from family and friends a million times: “you’ll find someone better,” “just let it go,” “it’s their loss,” “I always knew they were bad for you,” “just get back out there and start dating,” and “just party it out.”
If you are enduring heartbreak and feel alone with your grief and pain-- you are not alone!
Not only are you not alone, but you also don’t have to do this alone. At Healing Connections we specialize in providing heartbreak recovery therapy for individuals enduring a breakup, separation, or divorce. We understand how devastating a breakup can be even when you are the one who chose to breakup. That may have been one of the most troubling decisions you’ve had to make.
If this sounds like you:
You can’t stop thinking about you Ex
You obsess over reaching out to them even though you know that’s not best for you
You keep up with them on social media looking for information and seeking answers
You believe you can’t let go until you get “closure”
You go back and forth about whether it could work
The pain and hollowness feels unbearable
You can’t imagine ever falling in love again
You know that your life is better without them and you still feel emotionally stuck
...Then heartbreak recovery therapy is ideal for you.
Heartbreak recovery therapy provides you a safe space to explore your feelings, all of them. We work together to help you make sense of what happened, accept your current reality, and work towards reinventing your life.
In my own professional and personal experience, I’ve found that breakups, separations, and divorces are pivotal moments in a person’s life. I am passionate about helping individuals find healing after the loss of love and walking alongside them as they create a life that aligns with their values.
Heartbreak Recovery Therapy Phases:
Healing: In this phase the focus is creating space for all of your emotions, learning to understand what they mean, and finding healthy ways to cope with them. We also try to uncover patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. We work on gaining clarity and taking accountability for our role. We also strive for self-forgiveness.
Self-Esteem and Confidence: We work on getting you to love and believe in yourself. Our goal is for you to learn and value your own worth. So that you begin to treat yourself with self-compassion and respect. You only engage in things that are in alignment with who you are or want to become.
Life Reinvention: Here’s when the real fun is! We work together to help you create the life you desire to be. We add and eliminate things from your current life accordingly. We will likely discuss making new friends, taking on a new hobby, making a career change, or getting a puppy. We will identify the boundaries that need to be set and enforced to be able to sustain the new life you’ve created.
Heartbreak recovery therapy helps you thrive after a breakup!
Imagine what your life would be like you decided to put yourself and your healing first. If you took the focus off your ex and shifted it to you. Imagine what your life can look like in a year if you didn’t do this on your own. Request a 10-minute consultation today to ensure that we can provide you with the care you deserve.
Healing Connections specializes in providing heartbreak recovery therapy, also known as, breakup recovery therapy to individuals in Miami and across Florida experiencing the loss of love due to a breakup, separation, or divorce.
Genesis Games, Psychotherapist & Owner of Healing Connections